So, who am I?

Hi Im Cayla! Actually 'Macayla' but my friends get to call me Cayla. I am a mom of two amazing kids and I am a trades wife. Which if anyone else is a trades wife, you know how hard it can be at times! I am a stay at home mom and just your average person. My husband and I went from living in my Nanas house, to my parents to his parents. Then we decided enough was enough and we renovated a trailer from top to bottom mostly on our own but of course with lots of help from our friends and family. We owe so much to them. But, with the arrival of our second, it quickly came to be way too small and so another change was under way.

Everyone knows that the prices of rent is crazy, too crazy. There are only so many options and even with my husbands pretty decent income it seemed impossible to afford anything. With luck and I do mean luck, we got into a spot in a trailer park near by were we got a lower cost rent for a mobile home. I felt so grateful in that moment and I still do. But, I know that I want more for my kids, for myself and for my husband who works so hard. therefore I have made it my mission to make money myself online to help provide. We want to buy a house and I want to eventually be able to retire my husband so he can stay home with the kids and I, maybe surprise him with the truck he's always wanted. He deserves that for all of the hard work he has done.

So, how do I do that? well, I have researched so many different side hustles and there are a lot... like a lot a lot. It was so hard to decide what to choose. Especially when you don't know what to trust or what is too good to be true. Thats when I decided I am going all in on what I like like to call my Easy Mom Method or 'EzMumMethod'. I've seen moms just like me, with stories just like mine, accomplish all of the things I have only dreamed about. The way they did this was learning the necessary skills to make money without having to physically be present and have systems running on auto pilot to do majority of the work for you. To spend your time the way you want! AKA Time Freedom.

With all of that being said with new skills comes actually having to learn them, and there are sooo many different things out there. Luckily I did all of the hard work for you and found the two best websites to learn these new skills. One of which costs no more than your morning Starbucks. This is a good option for people who aren't able to invest as much. This course is the Legendary Marketer.

The other one would measure to about the same amount as a month of your phone bill. But both are equally important when it comes to this side hustle. However this one I personally feel was a lot easier for myself to engage with. I have ADHD and it can be quite difficult to follow along with things. Visual wise it is also more pleasing to the eye and makes it easier to go through. I also felt that the amount of value you get was a lot more. With that being said both options can help get you to where you're looking to go. It just takes hard work and determination.