AH I'm so excited for you!

Looking forward to this journey together and I am so happy to be connected!

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Hi, i'm Cayla. Firstly I just wanted to congratulate you on taking the first step, I know its scary never knowing what to trust on the internet. Like you, I was a person with a think big mind, a think big attitude. When I first heard about this side hustle it was over two years ago when my 3 year old was still just a baby. I backed out, and that is my biggest regret. I let fear get in the way and I didn't truly see the value that this business has. I sure do now and if I could go back I would have jumped all in because I just know my life today would be incredibly different.

If this is your first time learning about this business, I highly encourage you not to make my same mistakes. Learn from me and take every opportunity at your disposal. The time is NOW not two years from now still stuck wishing and hoping things could be different for yourself. Invest in your future self today and they will thank you.

The two courses I personally took and recommend, take a look between the two and decide the BEST fit for yourself, goals and what you feel you could better benefit from.